Imagine for a moment that you’re on an old sailing ship out on the ocean. You hear the gentle creek of the ship from the very small waves that rock it back and forth ever so peacefully. The sun is high in the sky and the temperature of the air is perfect. There’s just a very gentle breeze across the bow of the ship. Sounds peaceful and relaxing doesn’t it?
We’ll imagine that you are in the middle of the ocean on your way to America, half-way across the ocean and you’ve had these exact same conditions for days…even weeks. Conditions that are not suitable to set your sails, due to the lack of wind, and you are basically stuck. Stuck for days or even weeks, drifting.
That’s where the term doldrums came from.
From Wikipedia we also see that it is defined as:
Colloquially, the “doldrums” are a state of inactivity, mild depression, listlessness or stagnation
I was hit with a mild case of the doldrums this morning. For me it was more likely best described as mild depression and a feeling of discontent.

Physically I think it could have been explained as a combination of mild physical exhaustion and emotional exhaustion. The two combined together, brought me down a little. Also, a mild feeling of discontent combined with the desire to do nothing started to overwhelm me a little this morning. I started to doubt why am I doing this, writing all this content here? Will anyone care to hear from me? Will my work on the Christian Fatloss™ Program & Christian Vitality actually help anyone?
I think somewhere through the fog, I heard the Holy Spirit say remember your reason why.
I quickly listed some of the reasons why I was doing this:
- 100s, 1000s, and maybe even 10,000s of Christians will use the knowledge and Biblical wisdom to live a better (more spiritually & physically healthy life) It may even save some of their lives from the misery and unhappiness I experienced.
- A quest to help cure people of obesity is an admirable quest with God’s stamp of approval. Doing so and giving Glory to Jesus along the way should be doubley-blessed.
- Over time I’d like to work on this online business full-time and have it provide a hugely valuable service, which in-turn my customers will be pay me a small fee & gladly to do so.
- God has blessed me with the knowledge and wisdom (from the Bible) and I owe it to him to be a blessing to other believers and show them the way.
- Going through this process myself is moving me personally from a state of Obesity to a Healthy one and will help me live a happier healthy life.

So, what are your reasons for starting a weight loss program? Did you start the Christian Fatloss™ Program because:
- You know that staying on the path of obesity is a short-lived one and your tired of struggling through life being over-weight?
- Are you afraid you won’t get to see your kids and grand-kids grow up if you stay on your current path?
- Do you have family members that are obese and you’ve decided that you want a different path for yourself?
- Are you tired of shopping for your clothes in the big girl or big guy section?
- Are you tired of feeling embarrassed over you weight at public pools, beaches, and gyms?
- Do you feel that God has called you to live a healthier, happier life without the physical challenges that obesity & an unhealthy lifestyle bring?
What are your reason why? They’ve got to be strong. They are going to have an element of pain or pleasure associated with them. Because as humans we are really motivated by only two things. The avoidance of pain or the desire for pleasure. Pain seems to be the leader in this camp.
So, if you’re feeling a bit discouraged or start to sense that you’re feeling like you should quit. Realign yourself with your reasons why and get motivated again to succeed. Then set your eyes back on the goal.
I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Phillippians 3:14 ESV