Another day towards a new you and a new identity

Another day towards a new you and a new identity

When we receive Salvation through our Faith in Jesus Christ, by confessing with our mouth and believing in our heart that Jesus is the Son of God, we become a new creation.  Our identity now lies with him and in him.  We are believers, followers, we are Christians.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV

I don’t want to take away or distract from that, but when you’ve committed to a Christian Weight Loss Program you’ve also committed to building a new identity for yourself.  A healthier, happier you who is more like Christ in spirit, but one who is also eating right & exercising.

You are no longer that overweight, clothes-fit-too-snugly, person that you’ve been with for the previous part of your life.  You, although the outside appearance of your body may not 100% agree YET, are a healthier & happier version of yourself.

You are working on a new identity.  Pretty soon you will be known as the guy/gal who is pretty disciplined with how he/she eats and exercises.

Funny how the word disciple can be extracted from the word disciplined.  In conjunction with your evangelism for Christ (sharing the goodness of Jesus Christ) you will also be sharing the good news of eating healthier & living happier (how you learned here).  My main point is start to see yourself differently. Divorce (yes that is a strong word) yourself from your old identity. That’s not me anymore is your new attitude.

Doing so will make your new life in Christ and Christian Weight Loss easier and more natural as you make better choices that will get you down the path to a healthier happier you.

Let me be honest.  Even if you go through a few or several 40-day cycles and lose significant weight over the next few months and longer, it won’t last and you’ll gain it all back UNLESS you buy into a NEW identity.

So, as you go through your day today start to work on thoughts and actions that support your identity in Christ, but also your identity as a healthier, happier version of yourself…one who’s lost a ton of unnecessary baggage (fat).

May God richly bless you as you make it a great day friend!

I’m going to really focus on opportunities that I can shift my focus to how I will be a new creation. What it will feel like to be able to wear some of the close I gave up on because they were too tight.  How, when I’m down significantly I won’t be down on myself anymore. I’ll likely have to go shopping for more clothes because my pants won’t stay up.  My belt may not even fit anymore.  I won’t be that guy “whose always been a bit of a big guy”. I’ll be the guy people look to for advice on how to get fit and live healthier & happier while following Jesus. That’s the new me…my new identity.

Join me today in doing the same!

Excerpted from the Christian Vitality™ Weight Loss Program

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